Silvija Sablinova, better known as Silver Sable, is a force to be reckoned with in the world of Marvel: Crisis Protocol. Hailing from the small nation of Symkaria, she was trained from a young age to be a mercenary by her father. Taking the moniker Silver Sable, she founded Silver Sable International, a private military company that initially aimed to bring war criminals to justice but later accepted lucrative missions for higher profits.
Silver Sable is included in a set along with Shang Chi.

Battlefield Prowess
Silver Sable enters the fray as a 4 Threat character with impressive stats. Despite lacking superhuman abilities, her superior athleticism and well-trained mind give her numerous advantages. She boasts 11 Stamina, 3 Physical, 3 Energy, and 3 Mystic defense, making her a formidable opponent. As a size 2 character with Medium move speed, she can maneuver into the perfect position for her next shot.
Her advanced technology and considerable martial skills ensure that Silver Sable International always gets the job done. From her state-of-the-art weaponry to her cutting-edge tactical gear, Silver Sable is equipped with the latest and greatest tools of the mercenary trade.
Ranged Expertise
Silver Sable’s true strength lies in her honed skills as a sniper. Her Tactical Takedown attack, a Strength 5, Range 5 attack, gains her 1 Power and can trigger the Root special condition on a critical hit, immobilizing her target. Her Headshot attack, a Strength 6 physical attack costing 3 Power, deals increased damage if the target is not within Range 3 and lacks Cover, while a critical hit inflicts the Stun condition, temporarily incapacitating even the most formidable foes.

With her keen eye and steady hand, Silver Sable can pick off her quarry from a distance with pinpoint accuracy. Her reputation as a master marksman precedes her, striking fear into the hearts of those who dare cross her path.
Leadership Abilities
As a proficient leader of trained mercenaries, Silver Sable possesses several superpowers that help her direct the battle. Shot Caller allows her to Advance an allied character within Range 4 and grant them 1 Power for 3 Power, positioning her team for maximum effectiveness. Want My Help? Pay Up enables her to assist an allied character’s attack by granting them an additional die in exchange for 2 Power, while she gains 1 Power, exemplifying her mercenary mindset.
On her injured side, Protect the Asset! lets her make a Tactical Takedown attack against an enemy targeting an ally within Range 4, providing covering fire even when she’s been compromised. Her leadership and tactical acumen ensure that her team operates like a well-oiled machine, executing missions with precision and efficiency.
Tactical Advantages
Silver Sable’s Innate superpowers provide her with tactical advantages. Sniper Nest adds two dice to her defense roll while overlapping a Size 3 or greater terrain feature and targeted by physical or energy attacks, allowing her to take cover and remain elusive. Wall Crawler ensures she can climb to the most precarious perches for the perfect vantage point, giving her a bird’s eye view of the battlefield.

With her ability to adapt to any environment and exploit every advantage, Silver Sable is a master of tactics and strategy, always staying one step ahead of her adversaries.
Tactics Cards
Silver Sable brings new and exciting tactics cards to enhance rosters. Sable International earns her 1 Victory Point for each enemy she Dazes or KO’s, making her a valuable asset in any conflict. Defenders characters can play a card to allow an allied character to make an attack after being targeted, providing backup and ensuring that no one is left behind.
Street Smarts allows Defenders characters to take 1 damage to stay on an objective token when pushed, advanced, or thrown, ensuring they hold key positions and complete their objectives, no matter the cost. These tactics cards exemplify Silver Sable’s versatility and resourcefulness, giving her team a decisive edge in any battle.

With her impressive ranged capabilities, leadership abilities, tactical advantages, and powerful tactics cards, Silver Sable is a formidable addition to any Marvel: Crisis Protocol roster. Her mercenary skills and unwavering determination make her a valuable asset in any battle, ensuring that the job gets done with precision, efficiency, and a hefty payday.
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