In the depths of the ocean, a mighty warrior rises to defend his kingdom and people. Namor, the Sub-Mariner, joins the ranks of Marvel: Crisis Protocol, bringing his formidable powers and unwavering resolve to the tabletop battlefield. Atomic Mass Games has unveiled the details of this iconic character, and players are in for an awe-inspiring experience.
Namor is included in a set along with Black Panther.

The Avenging Son of Atlantis
Hailing from the sunken kingdom of Atlantis, Namor is a true hero to his people and a force to be reckoned with. Combining the best of his human and Atlantean lineage, he possesses superhuman abilities that make him a match for Earth’s mightiest heroes. His telepathic powers grant him command over numerous sea creatures, a deadly advantage for those who dare cross his path.
The circumstances of Namor’s birth have also bestowed upon him an unnaturally long life, and he shows little signs of aging. With superior intellect and natural intuition, he is a well-rounded ruler, skillfully leading Atlantis through times of strife. However, his sacred duty to defend his homeland often puts him at odds with various groups and teams on the surface world.
Battlefield Prowess
Namor, The Sub-Mariner, dives into the fight as a 5 Threat character, a mighty individual with superhuman powers. Able to resist sustained barrages, he boasts a respectable 4 Physical and Energy defense, as well as 3 Mystic defense. A hearty 14 Stamina is spread evenly between his healthy and injured sides, ensuring his resilience in battle.
Wings on his ankles grant Namor a Long movement speed, allowing him to nimbly maneuver around the battlefield. These above-average stats are befitting of a being such as Namor, but his true advantages lie in his formidable attacks and superpowers.
Unleashing Atlantean Might
As a powerful warrior capable of leading legions of Atlanteans to war, Namor is more than able to defend himself in the maelstrom of battle. His Trident attack, a physical attack with 6 Strength, grants him Power equal to the damage dealt and allows him to advance Toward the target character Short. This attack sets the stage for his second, Armies of the Deep, which offers three dynamic effects.

The Swarm of Crabs effect causes the target character to drop all Asset tokens before damage is dealt. Octopus’ Grasp deals 1 damage to enemy characters at Range 2 of the target and Pushes them Short. Finally, Wave of Turtles allows Namor to immediately Interact with any number of objective tokens without spending Power and then advance Short. This bevy of options gives Namor tactical depth, rewarding players for activating these effects at the right time.
Superpowers of the Prince of Atlantis
Gifted with powers beyond those of a mere mortal, Namor possesses several superpowers to justify his high threat value. IMPERIUS REX! allows him to immediately make a move action followed by a Trident attack for 3 Power. If this attack deals at least 1 damage, the target character gains the Stagger special condition, helping Namor take down even the most daunting foes.

Atlantean Might grants Namor 1 additional Power during the Power Phase and ensures that damage caused by his attacks and effects cannot be reduced or prevented by superpowers or Team Tactics Cards. This is a significant advantage over opponents who rely on damage mitigation, as characters like Thanos will fear facing Namor’s vengeance.
As a Charismatic Leader, Namor allows allied characters within Range 2 to reroll 1 die in their attack and defense rolls, ensuring that those who fight alongside him perform at their best. Additionally, the wings on his ankles grant him the Flight Superpower, and he is also a Gem Bearer [Time].
Tactical Superiority
Namor brings new Team Tactics Cards to the table, aiding him in defeating his enemies and defending his allies. The Invaders, which can only be taken by a S.H.I.E.L.D.-affiliated roster, grants Namor or Steve Rogers, Captain America, a leadership ability that allows allied characters to reroll 1 defense die and modify and reroll failure results while within Range 2 of another allied character.

Prince’s Protection, an Unaffiliated reactive card, allows Namor to quickly come to the aid of his fellow warriors. When an enemy character within Range 3 targets an allied character with an attack, Namor can spend 2 Power to become the target, regardless of range and line of sight. After the attack is resolved, if Namor is not dazed or KO’d, he can Push all enemy characters within Range 2 Away Short, clearing combatants off an overwhelmed ally.
With his formidable powers, unwavering resolve, and tactical superiority, Namor the Sub-Mariner is poised to make waves in Marvel: Crisis Protocol. Players can pre-order the Black Panther Chosen of Bast & Namor the Sub-Mariner Character Pack and experience the might of the Avenging Son of Atlantis on the tabletop battlefield.
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