Philippe Nouhra, CEO of Funforge, finds himself grappling with mounting frustration as the highly anticipated board game Kickstarter project, “Monumental,” remains over three years behind schedule as reported by BoardGameWire. Originally slated for delivery by April 2021, the project has encountered a myriad of delays and setbacks, leaving backers and company alike in a state of discontent.
A Promising Kickstarter Launch
In 2020, Funforge embarked on a Kickstarter campaign for the reprint of Matthew Dunstan’s game Monumental, accompanied by a new expansion titled African Empires. The campaign garnered substantial support, amassing over €467,000 from more than 4,200 backers, fueling expectations for a timely release. However, what followed was a series of unforeseen challenges that threw the project off course.

The Impact of COVID-19 and Escalating Costs
Nouhra acknowledges the significant disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, attributing a substantial portion of the project’s delays to the global crisis. Speaking to BoardGameWire, Nouhra highlights the profound effect of COVID-19 on production and shipping, citing skyrocketing costs and factory disruptions as major hurdles.
“We have bumped into a lot of difficulties handling a KS financed during the Covid events and before two wars which have totally turned things and projects upside down,” Nouhra stated. “We already explained how Covid had made every cost skyrocketing both in terms of production and shipping.”
Despite Funforge incurring approximately $250,000 in unforeseen expenses due to the pandemic, the company is committed to absorbing these costs rather than passing them on to backers, a decision driven by integrity and a commitment to customer satisfaction.
Communication Challenges
While the pandemic presented an unprecedented challenge, backers have voiced frustration over what they perceive as inadequate communication from Funforge regarding the project’s status. Nouhra acknowledges this sentiment, expressing his frustration with what he views as unrealistic expectations and unfounded speculation among certain backers.
“What I can say about the Monumental Kickstarter is that, as for each and every KS which is late (which is to say almost all of them), a lot (way too much) fantasy is ongoing around the project,” Nouhra commented. “The vocal backers prefer not to believe the simple truth and go into some fantasy. This is their right but on our side we won’t invent new comments to legitimate their fantasy.”
Delivery Still Elusive
Despite completing production in 2022, Funforge continues to grapple with logistical and shipping challenges, prolonging the project’s delivery timeline. Nouhra acknowledges the frustration felt by backers and assures them that the company is working diligently to address the remaining hurdles.
“I can understand this frustration, we are ourselves very frustrated to know that everything is produced AND in the various hub warehouses and that we were still not in position to deliver at this time in spite of what we hoped,” Nouhra conveyed.
He reassures backers that a comprehensive update will be provided in the coming month, outlining the next steps and procedures moving forward. Nouhra remains resolute in Funforge’s commitment to delivering on the Monumental campaign, emphasizing the company’s track record of fulfilling its obligations, albeit with delays.
“What I can give you as a context and comment is that we always delivered (even late) and we will deliver again, all other comments is pure conjecture and fantasy,” Nouhra affirmed.
As the project enters its fourth year of delays, Nouhra acknowledges the shared frustration felt by both backers and Funforge alike, underscoring the uncertainty surrounding the project’s delivery timeline.
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